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Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium Hypochlorite Prices | Historical and Current
Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution

About Sodium Hypochlorite. Sodium Hypochlorite (a.k.a. Liquid Bleach, NaOCl) is the active constituent in chlorine bleach, a strong oxidizer and bleaching agent. This salt is the most remarkable of all hypochlorite forms and has been widely used since the 1930s. Nowadays, it is the most used hypochlorite bleach, accounting for more than 90% of global use, while calcium hypochlorite corresponds to the remainder.

It is an industrial practice to establish definitions of sodium hypochlorite strength in order to characterize the product. The term “available chlorine” is often used and is a measure of the oxidizing capacity of a chemical relative to that of pure Cl2. Sodium hypochlorite contains about 95.3 wt.% of available chlorine. From this definition, a common term used is “trade percent of available chlorine” which expresses the weight of available chlorine in grams per 100 mL of NaClO solution. Additionally, strength can be simply measured as the weight percent of sodium hypochlorite in solution.

Sodium hypochlorite is mainly produced through chlorine contact with diluted caustic soda (NaOH). The process is similar to that used for preventing chlorine emissions in chlor-alkali plants (chlorine scrubbing).

Sodium Hypochlorite Handling. Sodium Hypochlorite solutions should be stored at a temperature below 15 °C, away from acids, and protected from direct sunlight. The storage system should also be vented to avoid oxygen off-gassing of this chemical. For industrial purposes, fiberglass reinforced plastic, chlorobutyl rubber-lined, and polyethylene tanks are preferred to store Sodium Hypochlorite solutions. Steel tanks should be avoided because they tend to degrade in contact with bleach. For bulk supply, transportation is usually done by tank trucks. For small quantities, Sodium Hypochlorite solutions are transported by containers (500 mL to 20 L).

Sodium Hypochlorite Production. Bleach may be produced by batch or continuous process, depending on its particular use or market demand. Two main types of manufacturing processes can be distinguished: chemical production and electrochemical production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Sodium Hypochlorite are listed below.

  • Sodium chlorate + sulfuric acid + refined sodium chloride (Erco R3 process; byproduct of chlorine dioxide production),
  • Sodium hydroxide + chlorine (reaction)

Sodium Hypochlorite Uses. The uses and applications of Sodium Hypochlorite may vary according to its specification. Usually, it is traded as 5.25-20 wt% NaClO solutions. The main forms of Sodium Hypochlorite are household grade (5 to 6 wt% purity); and industrial grade (10 to 15 wt% purity).

Although household demand has been historically larger in terms of volume, industrial demand is superior on a dry basis. The so-called industrial Sodium Hypochlorite is also employed for other medium to large scale applications. One of the advantages of Sodium Hypochlorite use in drinking water treatment plants is the ability to both disinfect and maintain a residual level of disinfectant throughout the distribution system. Usually, bleach is delivered to water and wastewater treatment plants at concentrations in the range of 10 to 15 trade percent, to minimize transportation costs.

Data Type: chem-pricing

Sodium Hypochlorite Prices | Historical and Current

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Data Legend. The chart above shows Sodium Hypochlorite Solution price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) in 4 locations, as follows:

  • Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, EUR (Europe): Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, domestic transaction price, exw, Germany
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, SAM (South America): Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, export transaction price, fob, Brazil
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, SEA (Southeast Asia): Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, domestic transaction price, exw, India
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, MDE (Middle East): Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, export transaction price, fob, Turkey

Data Use. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .

Data Delivery Methods. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution price assessments are available via different delivery methods: (i) online charts; (ii) directly into Excel (using Intratec Add-in); (iii) in Power BI dashboards or (iv) a web API (to facilitate integration with existing workflows).

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Sodium Hypochlorite Price Outlook. The price of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Southeast Asia) increased during December 2019 to 284 USD per metric ton, which represents a slight rise of 0.4% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Southeast Asia) increased modestly by 1%. Meanwhile, the average price of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Middle East) amounted to 293 USD per metric ton, from 430 USD per metric ton one year earlier. On a month-over-month basis, the price of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Middle East) is 3% higher than the price one month before.

The price of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Europe) rose slightly throughout December 2019, reaching 325 USD per metric ton.  The price is 0.6% higher than the average price in the previous month and 2% lower than the average price one year before. In contrast, the prices of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (South America) increased modestly during December 2019, reaching 309 USD per metric ton, which means a rise of 2% from the previous month’s price and a decline of 8% from the previous year’s price. 

About Sodium Hypochlorite. Sodium Hypochlorite (a.k.a. Liquid Bleach, NaOCl) is the active constituent in chlorine bleach, a strong oxidizer and bleaching agent. This salt is the most remarkable of all hypochlorite forms and has been widely used since the 1930s. Nowadays, it is the most used hypochlorite bleach, accounting for more than 90% of global use, while calcium hypochlorite corresponds to the remainder.

It is an industrial practice to establish definitions of sodium hypochlorite strength in order to characterize the product. The term “available chlorine” is often used and is a measure of the oxidizing capacity of a chemical relative to that of pure Cl2. Sodium hypochlorite contains about 95.3 wt.% of available chlorine. From this definition, a common term used is “trade percent of available chlorine” which expresses the weight of available chlorine in grams per 100 mL of NaClO solution. Additionally, strength can be simply measured as the weight percent of sodium hypochlorite in solution.

Sodium hypochlorite is mainly produced through chlorine contact with diluted caustic soda (NaOH). The process is similar to that used for preventing chlorine emissions in chlor-alkali plants (chlorine scrubbing).

Sodium Hypochlorite Handling. Sodium Hypochlorite solutions should be stored at a temperature below 15 °C, away from acids, and protected from direct sunlight. The storage system should also be vented to avoid oxygen off-gassing of this chemical. For industrial purposes, fiberglass reinforced plastic, chlorobutyl rubber-lined, and polyethylene tanks are preferred to store Sodium Hypochlorite solutions. Steel tanks should be avoided because they tend to degrade in contact with bleach. For bulk supply, transportation is usually done by tank trucks. For small quantities, Sodium Hypochlorite solutions are transported by containers (500 mL to 20 L).

Sodium Hypochlorite Production. Bleach may be produced by batch or continuous process, depending on its particular use or market demand. Two main types of manufacturing processes can be distinguished: chemical production and electrochemical production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Sodium Hypochlorite are listed below.

  • Sodium chlorate + sulfuric acid + refined sodium chloride (Erco R3 process; byproduct of chlorine dioxide production),
  • Sodium hydroxide + chlorine (reaction)

Sodium Hypochlorite Uses. The uses and applications of Sodium Hypochlorite may vary according to its specification. Usually, it is traded as 5.25-20 wt% NaClO solutions. The main forms of Sodium Hypochlorite are household grade (5 to 6 wt% purity); and industrial grade (10 to 15 wt% purity).

Although household demand has been historically larger in terms of volume, industrial demand is superior on a dry basis. The so-called industrial Sodium Hypochlorite is also employed for other medium to large scale applications. One of the advantages of Sodium Hypochlorite use in drinking water treatment plants is the ability to both disinfect and maintain a residual level of disinfectant throughout the distribution system. Usually, bleach is delivered to water and wastewater treatment plants at concentrations in the range of 10 to 15 trade percent, to minimize transportation costs.

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