Butadiene Rubber Prices | Historical and Current
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Data Legend. The chart above shows Butadiene Rubber price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) in 5 locations, as follows:
- Butadiene Rubber, US (United States): Butadiene Rubber, export transaction price, fob, United States
- Butadiene Rubber, EUR (Europe): Butadiene Rubber, export transaction price, fob, Germany
- Butadiene Rubber, SEA (Southeast Asia): Butadiene Rubber, import transaction price, cfr, India (netforward from fob South Korea)
- Butadiene Rubber (HighCis), CN (China): Butadiene Rubber (high cis content), domestic spot price, exw, China
- Butadiene Rubber, NEA (Northeast Asia): Butadiene Rubber, export transaction price, fob, South Korea
Data Use. Butadiene Rubber prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .
Data Delivery Methods. Butadiene Rubber price assessments are available via different delivery methods: (i) online charts; (ii) directly into Excel (using Intratec Add-in); (iii) in Power BI dashboards or (iv) a web API (to facilitate integration with existing workflows).
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Butadiene Rubber Price Outlook. The price of Butadiene Rubber (United States) decreased during December 2019 to 1,770 USD per metric ton, which represents a slight decline of 0.6% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Butadiene Rubber (United States) decreased significantly by 19%. Meanwhile, the average price of Butadiene Rubber (China) amounted to 1,610 USD per metric ton, from 1,710 USD per metric ton one year earlier. On a month-over-month basis, the price of Butadiene Rubber (China) is 2% higher than the price one month before.
The price of Butadiene Rubber (Southeast Asia) was flat throughout December 2019. The price remained the same when compared to the average price in the previous month and 9% lower than the average price one year before. In contrast, the prices of Butadiene Rubber (Europe) decreased modestly during December 2019, reaching 1,610 USD per metric ton, which means a decline of 2% from the previous month’s price and a decline of 16% from the previous year’s price.
The prices of Butadiene Rubber (Northeast Asia) were flat and a decrease of 9% on a yearly basis.
About Butadiene Rubber. Polybutadiene (a.k.a. BR, Butadiene Rubber) is a synthetic rubber made from monomer 1,3-butadiene. Being one of the largest volume synthetic rubber produced, this elastomeric polymer can have a variety of different properties depending on the ratio of its microstructural units and its tacticity. It is mostly used in the manufacture of tires due to its resistance to wear. Tire production consumes about 70% of the polybutadiene produced worldwide.
Butadiene Rubber can be produced through both emulsion and hydrocarbon solution processes, however only solution process are currently used, differing mainly in the type of catalyst used which can be either a transition metal (e.g. Co, Nd) complex or an alkyl metal (e.g. butyllithium). In the polymerization, the butadiene monomer can connect to the polymer chain in three different ways – referred to as cis, trans and vinyl -, in such a way that polymers with different properties can be produced, for different end-uses.
The type and properties of the Polybutadiene are dictated by a number of factors, such as the catalyst used, monomer concentration, addition of modifiers, etc.
Butadiene Rubber Handling. Butadiene is not flammable, although it should be kept away from heat sources, since if heated to decomposition it releases toxic fumes. It is advised to take precautions against static charges when handling BR, as well as avoid prolonged contact with skin. It should be stored away from sunlight, in a dry place. Polybutadiene is traditionally transported in secured road trucks, in secured railroad carriages and in standard shipping containers. It can be packed in 35 kg bales, wrapped with polyethylene films.
Butadiene Rubber Production. Polybutadiene production consists in the polymerization of butadiene, in such a way that different Butadiene Rubber manufacturing routes are related to different sources of the butadiene used. In this context, the most typical BR production routes are based on butadiene produced from isolation from C4 steam cracker fractions and dehydrogenation of butane and butenes. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Butadiene Rubber are listed below.
- 1,3 Butadiene (solution polymerization, using a lithium initiator)
Butadiene Rubber Uses. The uses and applications of Butadiene Rubber may vary according to its specification. The main forms of Butadiene Rubber are high cis polybutadiene; low cis polybutadiene; high vinyl polybutadiene; and high trans polybutadiene.