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Petroleum Coke
Petroleum Coke Prices | Current and Forecast
Petroleum Coke
Petroleum Coke
Petroleum Coke

About Petroleum Coke. Petroleum Coke is a solid, carbon-rich material, derived from crude oil refining. More specifically, coke is a bottom of the barrel by-product, result of the end of the cracking process. It is usually distinct in two varieties: fluid coke and flexicoking coke. Fluid coke, or green coke, is obtained from delayed cooking processes. On the other hand, flexicoking is fine grained, with a great level of isotropy. There is also calcinated coke, which is a product of green coke, after above 1300 °C heating. Some Petroleum Coke trades may occur in the spot market, in which the commodity can be purchased for immediate delivery.

The production of Petroleum Coke grew tremendously in the middle of the twentieth century, since petcoke became intensive marketed as a petroleum product in its own right. By country, the United States and China are the largest producers worldwide, followed by South America, Canada, India, Middle East, and Western Europe. Currently, more than 70% of the produced coke is of the green type.

Petroleum Coke Handling. Petroleum Coke in bulk quantities is stored in piles. It is necessary to maintain optimal moisture content and control fugitive dust emissions during storage. This can be done by pile height and compaction control, wetting with water – by water cannons, water trucks, or sprays – and treatment with anti-dust agent.

Petroleum Coke Uses. Petroleum coke is available in two main commercial grades: fuel-grade and calcined petroleum coke (CPC).

Data Type: chem-pricing

Petroleum Coke Prices | Current and Forecast

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Monitor monthly Petroleum Coke price assessments covering 10 locations: United States, Brazil, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom, India, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Also check Petroleum Coke 10-year price history and forecasts.

The chart below is a sample of Intratec Primary Commodity Prices. Subscribe and access now current prices of 225 commodities, including Petroleum Coke.


Petroleum Coke

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Data Legend. The chart above shows Petroleum Coke price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) in 10 locations, as follows:

  • Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur), US (United States): Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur green), export transaction price, fob, US Gulf
  • Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur), BR (Brazil): Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur green), import transaction price, cif, Brazil
  • Petroleum Coke (Cal), CA (Canada): Petroleum Coke (calcined), import transaction price, cif, Canada
  • Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur), NL (Netherlands): Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur green), import transaction price, cif, Netherlands
  • Petroleum Coke (Cal), GB (United Kingdom): Petroleum Coke (calcined), import transaction price, cif, United Kingdom
  • Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur), IN (India): Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur green), import transaction price, cfr, India
  • Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur), CN (China): Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur green), import spot price, cif, Shandong
  • Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur), JP (Japan): Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur green), import transaction price, cfr, Japan
  • Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur), SA (Saudi Arabia): Petroleum Coke (low-sulfur green), export transaction price, fob, Saudi Arabia
  • Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur), TR (Turkey): Petroleum Coke (high-sulfur green), import transaction price, cfr, Turkey

Data Use. Petroleum Coke prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .

Data Delivery Methods. Petroleum Coke price assessments are available via different delivery methods: (i) online charts; (ii) directly into Excel (using Intratec Add-in); (iii) in Power BI dashboards or (iv) a web API (to facilitate integration with existing workflows).

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About Petroleum Coke. Petroleum Coke is a solid, carbon-rich material, derived from crude oil refining. More specifically, coke is a bottom of the barrel by-product, result of the end of the cracking process. It is usually distinct in two varieties: fluid coke and flexicoking coke. Fluid coke, or green coke, is obtained from delayed cooking processes. On the other hand, flexicoking is fine grained, with a great level of isotropy. There is also calcinated coke, which is a product of green coke, after above 1300 °C heating. Some Petroleum Coke trades may occur in the spot market, in which the commodity can be purchased for immediate delivery.

The production of Petroleum Coke grew tremendously in the middle of the twentieth century, since petcoke became intensive marketed as a petroleum product in its own right. By country, the United States and China are the largest producers worldwide, followed by South America, Canada, India, Middle East, and Western Europe. Currently, more than 70% of the produced coke is of the green type.

Petroleum Coke Handling. Petroleum Coke in bulk quantities is stored in piles. It is necessary to maintain optimal moisture content and control fugitive dust emissions during storage. This can be done by pile height and compaction control, wetting with water – by water cannons, water trucks, or sprays – and treatment with anti-dust agent.

Petroleum Coke Uses. Petroleum coke is available in two main commercial grades: fuel-grade and calcined petroleum coke (CPC).

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