Molybdenum Oxide Prices | Historical and Current
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Data Legend. The chart above shows Molybdenum Oxide price assessment in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt), as follows: Molybdenum Oxide, spot price, i-w, Global, price per lb Mo
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Molybdenum Oxide Price Outlook. The price of Molybdenum Oxide (Global) increased during January 2020 to 17,100 USD per metric ton, which represents a slight rise of 3% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Molybdenum Oxide (Global) decreased significantly by 15%.
About Molybdenum Oxide. Molybdenum Oxide (a.k.a. Molybdenum Trioxide, roasted molybdenum concentrate) is the major commercial molybdenum compound. Usually, it is obtained by roasting molybdenum disulfide concentrate, which is extracted from mined molybdenum ore (molybdenite). The molybdenite concentrate is heated in a multiple-hearth furnace with air, forming Molybdenum Trioxide. This product is then purified and dried for sale.
The extraction of molybdenum compounds on a large scale is only viable in regions with substantial reserves of molybdenite. This process typically involves crushing, grinding, and flotation to concentrate the molybdenum disulfide content. However, in areas with limited molybdenite deposits, such as molybdenum-poor mines, the extraction of Molybdenum Oxide often occurs as a by-product or co-product of copper or tungsten mining. This requires more intricate extraction methods to separate copper or tungsten ores effectively.
Large reserves of molybdenite are located in Canada, Mexico, China, Russia, and the United States. Conversely, Molybdenum Oxide is typically extracted as a by-product in copper mines located in Canada, Chile, Iran, Mexico, and certain states within the US. It is also obtained from scheelite (tungsten ore) mines in South Korea.
Molybdenum Oxide Handling. Molybdenum Oxide should be stored in a dry and cool environment, tightly sealed to prevent exposure to air or excessive pressure. It is typically transported in powder form, packed in steel drums.
Molybdenum Oxide Production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Molybdenum Oxide are listed below.
- Molybdenite concentrate + air (“roasting” thermal oxidation)
Molybdenum Oxide Uses. Molybdenum Trioxide is often traded in a technical grade or 'roasted molybdenum concentrate' with a 57 wt% molybdenum minimum content. In further refinement steps, it is possible to obtain a pure-grade Molybdenum Oxide (99.9 wt% MoO3 minimum content), which is significantly less traded.