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Sodium Cyanide
Sodium Cyanide Prices | Historical and Current
Sodium Cyanide
Sodium Cyanide
Sodium Cyanide

About Sodium Cyanide. Sodium Cyanide (a.k.a. NaCN) is an inorganic salt, extremely toxic to humans, due to its binding with the Fe3+ ion in the hemoglobin, disabling the use of oxygen by the cells. It is a white cubic crystalline solid also known as white cyanide and has been the metal cyanide with the greatest commercial importance. This salt has a role as an inhibitor of many metabolic processes and is used as a test reagent for the function of chemoreceptors.

First prepared in 1834, Sodium Cyanide began being produced on a major industrial only in the 1900s, for the extraction of gold and silver from ores - by then, it was produced mainly from molten sodium, ammonia, and charcoal. Nowadays, most of the production of Sodium Cyanide on an industrial scale is based on neutralization or wet processes in which liquid or gaseous hydrogen cyanide reacts with a sodium hydroxide solution.

Sodium Cyanide Handling. Sodium Cyanide is usually transported in its pallet/granulated form, tightly packed in mild steel, fiber drums, and in flo-bins. Dry Sodium Cyanide is also shipped in wel-flo tank cars and trucks of up to 32 t net. All containers must be protected from corrosion and damage. Alkali metal cyanides can be shipped by road, rail, or sea freight under the provisions of the applicable transport regulations. It is extremely toxic to humans and can cause fatal damage by inhalation or ingestion. Handling, storage, and use must be carried out by trained people. They must never be stored or transported in the same transport unit together with acids or acid salts, foods, feedstuffs, or anything else intended for human or animal consumption. It can form flammable hydrogen cyanide gas, so it should be stored in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight and heat.

Sodium Cyanide Production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Sodium Cyanide are listed below.

  • Sodium hydroxide + hydrogen cyanide (salt formation reaction),
  • Sodium amide + carbon (Castner process)

Sodium Cyanide Uses. The uses and applications of Sodium Cyanide may vary according to its specification. The main forms of Sodium Cyanide are solid (98-99% NaCN, bricks/powder) and solution (24-30% NaCN solutions).

Data Type: chem-pricing

Sodium Cyanide Prices | Historical and Current

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Monitor monthly Sodium Cyanide price assessments covering 6 locations: United States, South America, Southeast Asia, China, Northeast Asia and Middle East. Also check Sodium Cyanide 10-year price history.

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Sodium Cyanide

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Data Legend. The chart above shows Sodium Cyanide price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) in 6 locations, as follows:

  • Sodium Cyanide, US (United States): Sodium Cyanide, export transaction price, fob, United States
  • Sodium Cyanide, SAM (South America): Sodium Cyanide, import transaction price, cif, Brazil
  • Sodium Cyanide, SEA (Southeast Asia): Sodium Cyanide, import transaction price, cfr, Indonesia (netforward from fob China and South Korea)
  • Sodium Cyanide, CN (China): Sodium Cyanide, transaction price, fob, China
  • Sodium Cyanide, NEA (Northeast Asia): Sodium Cyanide, export transaction price, fob, South Korea
  • Sodium Cyanide, MDE (Middle East): Sodium Cyanide, import transaction price, cif, Turkey

Data Use. Sodium Cyanide prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .

Data Delivery Methods. Sodium Cyanide price assessments are available via different delivery methods: (i) online charts; (ii) directly into Excel (using Intratec Add-in); (iii) in Power BI dashboards or (iv) a web API (to facilitate integration with existing workflows).

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Sodium Cyanide Price Outlook. The price of Sodium Cyanide (United States) decreased during January 2020 to 1,790 USD per metric ton, which represents a slight decline of 2% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Sodium Cyanide (United States) increased modestly by 3%. Meanwhile, the average price of Sodium Cyanide (China) amounted to 1,960 USD per metric ton, from 2,070 USD per metric ton one year earlier. On a month-over-month basis, the price of Sodium Cyanide (China) is 3% lower than the price one month before.

The price of Sodium Cyanide (Southeast Asia) declined throughout January 2020, reaching 1,860 USD per metric ton.  The price is 6% lower than the average price in the previous month and 1% lower than the average price one year before. In contrast, the prices of Sodium Cyanide (Middle East) increased modestly during January 2020, reaching 2,080 USD per metric ton, which means a rise of 1% from the previous month’s price and a decline of 8% from the previous year’s price. 

The prices of Sodium Cyanide (Northeast Asia) experienced a significant decline of 150 USD per metric ton from the prior month's price, to 1,780 USD per metric ton. Such price movement meant a decrease of 8% on a monthly basis and a rise of 1% on a yearly basis. On the other hand, in January 2020, the price of Sodium Cyanide (South America) witnessed a decline of 560 USD per metric ton when compared against the previous month's price, to 1,790 USD per metric ton. The January 2020 price is 6% lower than the price one year before. 

About Sodium Cyanide. Sodium Cyanide (a.k.a. NaCN) is an inorganic salt, extremely toxic to humans, due to its binding with the Fe3+ ion in the hemoglobin, disabling the use of oxygen by the cells. It is a white cubic crystalline solid also known as white cyanide and has been the metal cyanide with the greatest commercial importance. This salt has a role as an inhibitor of many metabolic processes and is used as a test reagent for the function of chemoreceptors.

First prepared in 1834, Sodium Cyanide began being produced on a major industrial only in the 1900s, for the extraction of gold and silver from ores - by then, it was produced mainly from molten sodium, ammonia, and charcoal. Nowadays, most of the production of Sodium Cyanide on an industrial scale is based on neutralization or wet processes in which liquid or gaseous hydrogen cyanide reacts with a sodium hydroxide solution.

Sodium Cyanide Handling. Sodium Cyanide is usually transported in its pallet/granulated form, tightly packed in mild steel, fiber drums, and in flo-bins. Dry Sodium Cyanide is also shipped in wel-flo tank cars and trucks of up to 32 t net. All containers must be protected from corrosion and damage. Alkali metal cyanides can be shipped by road, rail, or sea freight under the provisions of the applicable transport regulations. It is extremely toxic to humans and can cause fatal damage by inhalation or ingestion. Handling, storage, and use must be carried out by trained people. They must never be stored or transported in the same transport unit together with acids or acid salts, foods, feedstuffs, or anything else intended for human or animal consumption. It can form flammable hydrogen cyanide gas, so it should be stored in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight and heat.

Sodium Cyanide Production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Sodium Cyanide are listed below.

  • Sodium hydroxide + hydrogen cyanide (salt formation reaction),
  • Sodium amide + carbon (Castner process)

Sodium Cyanide Uses. The uses and applications of Sodium Cyanide may vary according to its specification. The main forms of Sodium Cyanide are solid (98-99% NaCN, bricks/powder) and solution (24-30% NaCN solutions).

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