Impact PP from Propylene and Ethylene (Slurry Process)
Polypropylene Production Costs Report | Issue M | Q3 2024
Report Details |
400 kta United States-based plant | Q3 2024 | 107 pages |
This report presents a cost analysis of a 400 kta (kilo metric ton per annum) United States-based plant. You can add a customized cost analysis, assuming another location (country), when ordering a premium edition of this report.
Report Abstract
This report examines the costs related to Polypropylene (PP) Impact Copolymer production from polymer grade (PG) propylene and ethylene in the United States, using a typical improved slurry phase polymerization process.
The report provides a comprehensive study of Polypropylene production and related Polypropylene production cost, covering three key aspects: a complete description of the Polypropylene production process examined; an in-depth analysis of the related Polypropylene plant capital cost (Capex); and an evaluation of the respective Polypropylene plant operating costs (Opex).
The Polypropylene production process description includes a block flow diagram (BFD), an overview of the industrial site installations, detailing both the process unit and the necessary infrastructure, process consumption figures and comprehensive process flow diagrams (PFD). The Polypropylene plant capital cost analysis breaks down the Capex by plant cost (i.e., ISBL, OSBL and Contingency); owner's cost; working capital; and costs incurred during industrial plant commissioning and start-up. The Polypropylene plant operating costs analysis covers operating expenses, including variable costs like raw materials and utilities, and fixed costs such as maintenance, labor, and depreciation.
Process Overview

Polypropylene. Polypropylene is one of the most widely used thermoplastics in the world, known for its lightweight, durability, and versatility. It is extensively used in packaging, automotive parts, textiles, and consumer goods. Polypropylene is produced through the polymerization of propylene gas, typically derived from petroleum or natural gas refining. It is supplied in the form of pellets and can be easily stored and transported. Its broad applications and recyclability make it a staple in the plastics industry.
Raw Materials
Propylene. Propylene, the main raw material consumed, is a colorless gas at room temperature. It is a low-boiling, flammable, and highly volatile gas, with molecular formula C3H6. Propylene reacts vigorously with oxidizing materials. It may be mildly irritating to the nose, throat, and respiratory tract; propylene has low acute toxicity from inhalation. PG Propylene has been mainly produced as ethylene manufacturing co-product (via steam cracking of paraffinic hydrocarbons) and by-product of petroleum refining (separation from refinery gas). Most recently, amid a tight propylene market, new and novel lower-cost chemical processes for on-purpose propylene production have emerged.
Ethylene. Ethylene is known as a key building block for the petrochemical industry, being one of the largest-volume petrochemical produced worldwide. It is widely used as chemical intermediate in the production of several end products, including plastics, resins and fibers. Ethylene is largely produced by thermal cracking of petroleum-based feedstocks, in the presence of steam. It is stored in a liquid state under high pressure or at low temperatures. However, ethylene is, most of times, directly supplied to its consumers.
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$799 USD
Production Process Information
Process Consumptions
Labor Requirements
Plant Capital Cost Summary
Operating Cost Summary
Production Costs Datasheet
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Production Process Information
Process Consumptions
Labor Requirements
Plant Capital Cost Summary
Operating Cost Summary
Production Costs Datasheet
Plant Capital Cost Details
Operating Cost Details
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$2,699 USD
Production Process Information
Process Consumptions
Labor Requirements
Plant Capital Cost Summary
Operating Cost Summary
Production Costs Datasheet
Plant Capital Cost Details
Operating Cost Details
Plant Cost Breakdowns
Plant Capacity Assessment
Process Flow Diagrams
Costs in Different Countries Add-on
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Content Highlights
Plant Capital Cost Summary
Summary outlining the capital cost required for building the Polypropylene production plant examined
Plant Capital Cost Details
Detailing of fixed capital (ISBL, OSBL & Owner’s Cost), working capital and additional capital requirements
Plant Cost Breakdowns
Breakdown of Polypropylene process unit (ISBL) costs and infrastructure (OSBL) costs; plant cost breakdown per discipline
Operating Costs Summary
Summary presenting the operating variable costs and the total operating cost of the Polypropylene production plant studied
Operating Cost Details
Detailing of utilities costs, operating fixed costs and depreciation
Plant Capacity Assessment
Comparative analysis of capital investment and operating costs for different Polypropylene plant capacities
Production Process Information
Block Flow Diagram, descriptions of process unit (ISBL) and site infrastructure (OSBL)
Process Consumptions
Raw materials and utilities consumption figures, by-products credits, labor requirements
Process Diagrams
Process flow diagrams (PFD), equipment list and industrial site configuration
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